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Wedding Photographer’s Kit. What You Need to Take With You

Today I’ll tell you about a wedding photographer’s kit. I’ll mentally rummage through my backpack.

Let me remind you that several years ago, I was engaged in wedding photography. And quite successfully. Due to some reasons, I changed my occupation, but I know a lot about the work of a wedding photographer and am ready to share this information with you. And so…
Wedding photographer kit
Of course, the first thing everyone thought about was a camera or better yet two. Where would we be without them? Of course, a beginner wedding photographer can have a simpler DSLR. But ideally, we take a full frame (full-frame camera). I shot on a NIKON D700 and D800.

Read, “How to choose a camera” – The article, although old, seems to be still relevant.


We take interchangeable lenses

Ideally, the set looks like this:
long focal length
Additionally, you can have a fisheye. For creative shots. Depends on your shooting style. Some photographers stand out for this. They shoot 70% of weddings at a wide angle, 10% at a fisheye, and the rest are portraits.

It is desirable to have fast optics. For example, in the registry office there is not always enough light. I carried two lenses AF S NIKKOR 24-70 mm – 1: 2.8G ED and 50mm f / 1.4g af-s. That is, one universal, and the second portrait. I took portraits and objects with the 50 mm. Rings and all that …

If the optics are high-aperture and the wedding is not a full day, then you can do without a flash, but you still need to carry it with you. Therefore, put the flash in your backpack and do not forget to check the battery charge beforehand.

Flash drives
Don’t forget to take a sufficient number of memory cards with you. I think there’s nothing to explain here…Make sure you are able to china phone number library work if the wedding is delayed and you are asked to stay “longer”. 1-2 extra batteries for your camera should be with you.
In my practice, this has happened  several times. Example: 10 hours of shooting have passed and I am asked to stay for 2 additional hours to shoot fireworks.
We add Lenspen to the wedding photographer’s kit. This is a pencil for cleaning optical coatings and lenses. It would seem an unnecessary thing, but in fact it is very useful, especially in “field conditions”.

phone number library
Do not wipe the lens with the hem of your clothes

You can do without reflectors, but a professional wedding photographer should have everything. Therefore, we take a double-sided what is a liberated company reflector. An indispensable thing for highlighting shadows. Especially on a sunny summer day, when the sun is at its zenith.
Even if you don’t have an assistant, if you crawler data need to highlight, you can always ask one of the guests for help. They usually happily agree to hold such a disk .

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