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Web Design. Why is Staged Payment Worse?

Hello, my readers. Today I want to touch upon the topic of web design payment again. Namely, why staged payment is worse for the customer, and not just for me. And I will try to explain my position on this issue.

Let me start with an example of a recent situation…

I had a client who had a negative experience with another designer. The story is as old as the hills. They made an advance payment, time passed, the work was not done or was done completely differently than the client wanted. Disagreements arose, and the web designer simply refused to continue working. I don’t know how they resolved the issue with the advance payment, but that’s not the point.

Having contacted me

The customer accordingly wanted to play it safe. In such cases, I offer payment in stages. What does this mean?

In our case, the project included the design of a multi-page website + adaptive. The cost of the project is slightly more than 50 thousand czech republic phone number library rubles. People are afraid to pay half of this amount at once. Therefore, I suggest paying in stages. First, pay for the first stage of the work, that is, for the design of the main page. This way, both parties are insured against surprises.

I — because I received money for the work. The customer — because the amount is small and there is an opportunity to quickly check the result and the deadlines for completing the work. Based on the result, we can decide whether we continue working or not.

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And everything seems to be fine

But there is one “but”. The customer cares about deadlines. And by the way, I do too. I don’t want to work on one page for a month. I can and like to work a lot and quickly. In general, both parties were interested in the shortest the digital revolution of luxury by valeria possible deadlines.

And this is what happened with us… I make the first version of the page according to the technical specifications, send it. The response with the edits comes quickly.

I make edits and send the result on Friday crawler data evening. I wait for the final edits to finish the work and send the client a layout completely ready for layout.

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