Home » Writing Company Blog Posts: Who Should You Entrust with the Task?

Writing Company Blog Posts: Who Should You Entrust with the Task?

A company blog is much more than just a web space where you can publish content. It is a strategic tool for communicating with your customers, building authority and positioning yourself on search engines. It is part of a valuable asset , your website. This is why choosing the right person to write content is essential.

But who should take care of it? An internal resource or an external copywriter ?

From experience I know that many marketing departments, directors, and internal teams have had a crisis precisely over this choice: choosing the company’s official SEO copywriter. Let’s find out together how to find a solution.

Writing Company Blog Posts? Internal or External Resource

So who should write your business blog?


An internal resource or an external web writer, maybe a freelance copywriter? Well, it depends. It depends on the skills you already have in your team and the goals you want to achieve.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of the two options together.

Pros and Cons of an Internal Resource
An internal resource has indisputable You Entrust with the Task?  advantages: he knows the company, the product and the sector in depth.

This means it’s easier to create content that truly reflects the brand’s identity . An internal resource is in close contact with all other areas of the company and colleagues, and knows who to turn to for useful information to write relevant articles.

But there is a downside. Writing for the web is not something that can be improvised. If the internal resource does not have experience in writing SEO-optimized content – or is simply not skilled in digital writing – the risk is to produce articles that do not bring results.

Remember that writing for marketing and whatsapp number database  doing it on digital media is not like being a journalist, a novelist or a columnist in print.

And then, let’s face it, writing takes time , and often the internal team does not have enough hours available to dedicate to this activity. I have already said in this post, how much time it takes to write an optimized article . It risks becoming a lost cost for the entire company.

Pros and Cons of an External Resource

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A freelance copywriter how to recruit and train an all-star sales crew  or a content marketing agency, on the other hand, has the advantage of bringing specific skills in writing for the web and managing the company blog. We are talking about people who know how to write well, know how to optimize content for search engines, know how to make an article captivating for the reader and know how to insert writing on the company blog into a process of branding, lead generation and brand positioning.

The weak point?

An outside source won’t immediately know the company like an internal employee. It will take some onboarding to align with the brand’s vision and tone of voice. But once you get past that, an experienced copywriter can bring a lot of added value.

When to choose an Internal Resource to write Company Blog articles?
If you decide to outsource the writing of your blog posts to an internal resource, it is important to choose the right person.

Maybe I haven’t repeated it enough: knowing how to write well is not enough .


Writing a company blog also requires a certain sensitivity to marketing, branding, attention to textual and graphic communication issues, notions of social media marketing, email marketing and a good dose of “tinkering” with digital tools, such as Google Analytics .

How to choose the internal resource who will write the blog articles
Who can write well : this is the first criterion, obviously. The quality of the writing must be high, the text must be fluid, clear and engaging.
Who knows marketing and communication : the right person must know how to reach the target and how to build an effective message. You need someone who knows marketing, who knows how to talk to the public in a strategic way.
Anyone who knows digital marketing : there is no escape. Bloggers must have at least a basic understanding of SEO and digital marketing. Knowing how to do keyword research, optimize an article, and understand how content marketing works is essential to making your blog deliver results.
For those who are familiar with the PC : writing for the web is not just writing. It requires a certain ability in using CMS platforms (such as WordPress), in inserting optimized images and in working with analysis tools.

How to Assign Homework Correctly?

Once you have identified the right seo ebl  person, it is important to provide them with the right tools to work and write on the company blog. You can organize training sessions to develop skills in SEO and content marketing. Make sure that there is constant coordination with the rest of the team, so as to always align the blog strategy with the company objectives.

From experience I can say that I have lived on both sides of the fence. I have been a web copywriter and SEO copywriter in a company and today I do this work as a freelancer. The best way to work well as a writer on a company blog is to be able to count on the trust of your managers. Propose ideas, contents, editorial plans that respect the company’s vision, mission and values ​​but at the same time offer an innovative and functional vision of the business, the sector and the commercial offer. The chosen resource should possess this basic mindset . Technical knowledge and operational skills are acquired over time .



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