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Support for the integrity of Argentina’s science system

My basic recommendation is not to waste time positioning prestigious keywords that may not bring the expected conversion in the form of new readers (or clients). Focus on combinations because these are usually easier to push to the top of Google. For those who will now think “of course, since he didn’t get it, now he says it’s useless” I recommend taking a look at Dan Gilbert’s talk “The surprising science of happiness” . It won’t help you improve your SEO but it will help you understand human beings a little better…

Let’s say your blog

Isn’t about motivation or inspiration. That’s probably the case for 99% of the people reading this post (those who do have one, please leave a commenThe question then is, why write about those topics?otivational postPhoto rights by FotoliaI’ll be honest with you.

In my case, it came about out of “necessity

At the beginning of the challenge of writing a daily post, it became quite difficult over time to find topics of interest in marketing for readers. So I started to talk about other things, covering a broader range of topics. The telegram database users list feedback at the time was very good, so I have continued with it until now.

Telegram Database Users List

Above all,

The motivational and inspirational this problem generates another posts had a great participation (and generally still do). Now I usually touch on these topics at the weekend because they are posts that usually come naturally (and comfortably) to me. By the way, I’m not the only one with a marketing blog who touches on these topics. Both this blogger and this other one also do it to show different facets of their work that help them create a canada data stronger connection with the reader.

A blog

Doesn’t just transmit knowledge, but also emotions and, above all, personality . If someone reads the first three sentences of your post and doesn’t detect that there’s a human being behind it, you have a problem. You’ll never achieve the most important thing you need as a blogger: trust . That’s the reason why I refused to earn 200 euros in 20 minutes and just yesterday I did it again. I’m not over-rich, but I’m clear that a short-term income could cost me more if I lose that asset.

A motivational post doesn’t always have to be about motivating

readers, but in many cases the post is written for yourself . You are the person who most needs to read those lines at that moment. We are all human, weak, and sometimes we feel like giving up or throwing in the towel . You need to remind yourself that the price you are paying to live your dreams is low compared to what would be a comfortable and relaxed life that sooner or later would have led you to an identity crisis or a search for the meaning of life.

I am not one

Of those who thinks that the typical “if you want you can” always works, but sometimes people need to hear that . Motivation is an essential element that allows us to get up with enthusiasm every day. We can fall, fail, crash, call it what you want, but if we lose hope we lose everything. A person’s strength is not defined by the weights they can lift in the gym, but by the mental capacity to overcome obstacles even if they seem insurmountable.

I am one

Of those who think that things should be done with enthusiasm. There is no greater price that one can pay than being unhappy . We need to have the feeling at the end of the day of having spent the last drop of energy. Of having given everything. We are so exhausted that we cannot even sleep. We count the hours until daylight comes again and we can return with enthusiasm to what others call work.

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