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SMS mailings for delivery services

  • SMS mailingย is a fast, reliable and inexpensive way to interact with the client base. Messages are generated and sent automatically. In 30 minutes, the program sends SMS to 5,000 subscribers. 95% of SMS receive the status “read” for the first 10 minutes.

According to analytical centers, in 2020 people preferred SMS mailings for delivery. Calls from companies are perceived negatively by most respondents. SMS do not waste people’s time. The text is saved on the phone. It becomes possible to return to reading at any time.

Scope of application of notification technology


SMS mailing is available for all areas of business, government enterprises, social institutions:

  • Event sphere;
  • Tourism;
  • Trade;
  • Restaurant, hotel business;
  • Education;
  • Delivery services;
  • Medicine, etc.

The content of the bulk sms master depends on the target audience’s actions. In most cases, standard messages are used for mailings.

SMS is instantly displayed on the subscriber’s phone screen. It is permissible to use the name of the organization, contact information, commercial offers in the text.

bulk sms master

SMS-mailings for food delivery services


Due to the widespread lockdown, the demand for food orders from cafes, restaurants, and stores has increased by 30%. Connecting catering establishments to mass conversion rates as there are types of goals to achieve has solve the following problems:

  • Control of movement and payment of the order;
  • Notification about promotions, personal discounts;
  • Targeted advertising;
  • Growth in the number of consumers;
  • Increase profits up to 26%;
  • Control over the work of couriers.

The customer receives up-to-date information about the payment, the assembly of the shipment, the time of its receipt, the courier’s contact information.

SMS mailing is an advertising tool. Catering establishments notify regular guests about promotions, discounts, and events via SMS. To increase the average bill, personal promo codes can be use for birthdays, state and corporate holidays. Informing the customer creates a positive image of the company.

SMS examples for food delivery service

By type of content, SMS are divide into service and advertising. The first category uses a standard template. Examples of SMS to customers for food delivery:

  • Order #55555 is awaiting payment;
  • Order #666666 is ready and will be delivere to the address: ****** in 30 minutes. You can contact the courier by phone number ****** Enjoy your meal!
  • Dear guest! We have delivere your lunch. The restaurant “Whale and Fox” is waiting for you again.

Advertising SMS-mailings inform about promotions, menu updates, unique offers. They are aime at encouraging guests to make repeat purchases, increase the average bill, create a positive image of the establishment. Examples:

  • The customer chooses the text content of the newsletter independently.

SMS mailing for courier delivery services

Transport companies are face bulk data with the task of delivering an order to the address at the specifie time. Calling clients to make an appointment is a resource-intensive job. The average time of 1 call is 1 minute. Notifying 5,000 clients will require 5,000 minutes or 83 hours. Sending SMS messages to the same number of subscribers will take 3 minutes and will cost no more than 10,000 rubles.

The service is useful for organizations:

  • Online stores (clothing, cosmetics, consumer goods, flowers, etc.);
  • Document delivery services;
  • Transport companies.

The customer receives notification about the movement of the parcel, the cost of services, time, date of receipt of the shipment, its dimensions. SMS – mailing reduces the number of returns of goods to the sender, significantly increases the number of deliveries, makes the work of couriers easier.


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