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RSS Campaigns: Drive traffic to your blog automatically

Diego Papatino
Diego Papatino
Business Manager at fromdoppler and professor of Digital Marketing. He loves photography and is an excellent speaker.

Wrote 11 posts


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Email Automation RSS

Do you want to keep your contacts up to date with the posts you upload to your Blog? Discover the benefits of RSS Campaigns here and build loyalty among your Base with the best content !

If you have a blog, one of your main goals

is probably to make sure that no subscriber misses out on the interesting articles you turkey data   write for them . The problem is that not every time you post something, you immediately receive a visit from all your contacts. In fact, this has probably never happened before.

However, it would be a great gesture on your part if you  future prospects of seo whole-site optimization could send them the content so that they can use it as soon as you publish it. This type of action is highly appreciated by users ! If your content is really interesting and designed exclusively for your target audience, there is no doubt that they will want to receive it.


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