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Pacific Islands Academy of Sciences and Humanities: A Pivotal Step Towards a Resilient Future

Define “cheating.” That would be my first question as a reader of this blog. Thank you for asking me this because I have prepared an answer for you. Before I give it to you, I would like to tell you why I am asking this question in today’s post. Do you have to cheat to succeed in online business?Online TrapPhoto rights by FotoliaLately, reading some of the comments from readers of this blog,

I get the feeling that many people think that you can’t succeed

in online business if you don’t cheat at some point. You know that you’ll get caught at some point, but while you’re still cheating, you’ll have already invented a new one.As long as it is legal, it can be a philosophy of how to see and do things . I am not saying that it is bad or good.

The question is where

the cheating begins and where it ends. The purists already consider that promoting a product through online advertising is already cheating. They think that a good product sells itself through viral marketing and that there is no need to spend money on advertising. This is obviously a lot of nonsense because word of mouth happens with a similar probability as getting rich with a start-up .

Others think that SEO is cheating . “If your content is really good, you will get the attention you deserve.” This was probably still the case 3-4 years ago, but times have changed a lot since then. In Spain, there is an whatsapp data increasing level of SEO, which is reflected in the top 10 of search results. I

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am not saying that you will only find spam

but it is no longer so easy to be up there linkfarm and paid links relying solely on a content strategy, especially if you start from scratch. The ideal is to combine both worlds. I agree with those who consider that Google is not the law , so it is canada data not bad to challenge the search engine from time to time.

At the next level comes everything else.

It’s a line I don’t want to cross. It can be summed up in all kinds of dark marketing tactics. It’s clear that sometimes you have to go over the line to know where the limits are . The bad thing is if you do it knowing in advance that you have already crossed that line a long time ago.

Let’s ask another question.

Can you be successful without cheating? The answer is a resounding “yes.” Are we idiots for going slower and not taking advantage of all the opportunities in the form of gray areas and beyond? You can… You definitely have to put in double or triple the effort. I don’t mind doing that because I prefer this path. Period.

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