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Join us for the ISC Early and Mid-Career Researchers Forum Meeting – 12 March

When you start a business, there will come a time when you will be tired. Not only physically, but also mentally . Apart from your friends and family, you will also reach a point where you will ask yourself if it makes sense to continue with all this. Any entrepreneur has to be able to overcome this tiredness if he wants to move forward.

Entrepreneur TirednessPhoto rights by Fotolia

Your passion can become a problem when you waste energy while in the red zone. At first you don’t realize it because your enthusiasm is like a drug that doesn’t make you feel tired . When you realize it, it’s almost too late. It takes you longer to recover because you’ve tapped into a source of energy that the body reserves for emergencies.

The problem is that you live a life of constant alertness and our body is not made to withstand that level of stress for a long time. You don’t recover and you have less and less energy.When I started my first startup Coguan, I considered fatigue to be nothing more than a weakness of the body that could be overcome with willpower. The worst thing is that I managed to overcome it, but it took its toll on me. Now I have learned to listen to my body and not enter the red zone (says the man sitting in front of his laptop on a Friday at 10pm writing a post).

The level of fatigue

is something that can be trained. The best example is stretching and loosening a rubber band continuously. Over time you can pull it further without it breaking. Practicing sport continuously gives you impressive mental resistance . When I look around me I see that those who exercise react much better to stress than those who do little or nothing. People who practice sport also have their lows but in general it takes much accurate mobile phone number list longer to get back to their lows.The green and yellow energy zones where you can work safely

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Have more reserves.

This sounds like I’m quoting a scientific what is google my business? study and I don’t have any data at hand. Still, I think you can agree because many will have similar experiences.

To train against physical fatigue, you have to work and practice sports at high intensity . At the same time, you have to respect the time canada data limits for fatigue so that the rubber does not break. Your mind will only be strong if your body is also strong.

With this post at

This time after this week I am probably already entering the yellow zone. It is worth it because the reward is a complete rest for two days. My body usually reacts better if I do absolutely nothing on Saturday and Sunday instead of doing a little like many.

The best way to overcome fatigue is to rest. Have a good weekend. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

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