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hey will be sure to receive their purchases before

SMS The importance of the holiday season is now well established!

Therefore,  study conducted on the behavior of the French during the holidays confirms that 51% of French people plan to make at least one purchase online and that at least 25% of. Therefore, them say they make their purchases from their smartphone. These data are even more important if we consider that mobile purchases are constantly increasing and are even aiming to surpass the good old PC!

SMSIncluding a campaign in your end-of-year communication plan means diversifying your marketing strategy and facing the holidays with peace of mind! Using this marketing lever, you can also approach your customers at the moment of purchase, because the mobile phone is very often used as the last step before bulk sms master visiting a store. In fact, 76% of people go to the store within 24 hours of seeing an offer that interests them.

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SMS to improve customer relations

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SMS Although there are many Christmas and New Year messages at this time of year . Therefore, a short and quick-to-read message is always well received by recipients. SMS In addition, it guarantees a 97% read rate , which will set you apart from your competitors. SMS For an extra touch of creativity and originality, why not opt ​​for the landing-page function accessible from your site? SMS SMS This solution improves your campaigns , makes the content of your message interactive, increases conversion rates as there are types of goals to achieve its effectiveness and helps you generate traffic to your site thanks to the 36% click-through rate of .

Communicate the opening hours of the stores during the holidays.

The opening hours of your shop or business change during the holiday season. Your customers cannot always be inform of the various changes . SMS It is therefore up to you to inform them of the changes. Therefore, and what better way to do it than with a message? Its content will not fail to hit the target and will also allow you to (re)specify the location of your points of sale. SMS These campaigns will guarantee an increase in traffic in the shop during the Christmas and New Year period .

Confirm orders and deliveries

Used in e-commerce. Therefore, the order confirmation reassures the user during the purchase. Think about specifying the delivery times to avoid any worries on the part of the buyer. This type of automatic message will certainly crawler data avoid some calls or emails regarding your customers’ orders. They will be sure to receive their purchases before December 25th .

To automatically send these messages , you need to integrate our REST API into your applications or web services. For more information. Therefore, see the API documentation.

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