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Doppler Reloaded: New Features and News for You

Ignacio Crespo
Ignacio Crespo
Partners & Integrations Manager at @fromdoppler. Ignacio is a travel and football fan, as well as an expert in Advertising and Marketing.

Wrote 9 posts


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New features in Doppler Email Marketing

At Doppler we have been working hard to help you further optimize your shipments with super powerful tools . Discover the new features available to you here!

If you have been working hard on your marketing goals lately and have been concentrating on your tasks like never before, you may have missed the latest news we have for you at Doppler .

In this post we will tell you everything we have created and improved  turkey data  over the last few months so that you can take advantage of them and obtain optimal performance in all your Email Marketing Campaigns .

Do you want to know them? Keep reading!

RSS Campaigns: Here to Stay
Do you know what this fabulous type of delivery is all about?  seo whole-site optimization: practical experience and in-depth insights Well, if you have a Blog or News Site, you won’t believe the opportunity that Doppler has put at your disposal .

RSS Campaigns allow you to automatically send all the updates you make to your site to your Subscribers . That is, you can schedule a specific day of the month or every two weeks for all your contacts to receive an email commenting on, for example, all the posts you have uploaded to your Blog in the last period.

If for some reason, in the period you have defined you have not made any updates, Doppler will not make any shipments until it finds new material on your Blog .

If you want to learn how to create this

A type of Campaigns effectively, don’t miss this article , where we tell you in detail and step by step how to configure RSS Campaigns and keep your Database always updated with your news.

Take advantage of this opportunity to reach them with the best content !

Doppler and Tienda Nube: a super powerful integration
If you have an online business on this platform and you want to send the most attractive Campaigns to your Contacts to bring them your best offers, this is the union you were waiting for .

With the integration of Doppler and Tienda Nube you will be able to import all your Contacts from your store to a List in Doppler automatically. In addition, you will have the possibility of sending them Campaigns with the products you have loaded in your Store, since they will appear within your Doppler account, ready to be included in your Emails, just as your clients saw them in your Tienda Nube .

This way, your Subscribers will receive fantastic Email Marketing Campaigns with your most attractive products and, by simply clicking on their image or description, they will be directed to your Store to complete the purchase .

Maximize your sales with this extraordinary integration!

New in the Editor: Add video links to your Campaigns
Videos are a wonderful resource for delivering attractive content to your Subscribers, since in just a couple of minutes you can create a very complete and original presentation, explaining a concept in a visual and direct way .


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