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Doppler Academy: Launch your Email Marketing strategy

Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

Wrote 75 posts


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Doppler Academy

On October 29th, another edition of Doppler Academy ended , where Estela Durán explained how to implement an Email Marketing strategy in simple steps. Learn more!

Email Marketing is a powerful tool if you know how to use it . That’s why, in this webinar singapore data   we’ll tell you how to make Doppler your business’s ally to increase your sales and communicate with your customers effectively.

If you were unable to attend the webinar or missed some important inform video won the video of ation, here you will find the recording of the webinar and a general summary of the training with Estela Durán , Marketing Coordinator MX at Doppler .

Bonus Track: Also, due to the huge number of questions asked by attendees, we will be in charge of answering all the queries that were left pending. It’s time to learn!





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