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Doppler Academy: How to increase your sales with Christmas Email Marketing

Ignacio Crespo
Ignacio Crespo
Partners & Integrations Manager at @fromdoppler. Ignacio is a travel and football fan, as well as an expert in Advertising and Marketing.

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Email Marketing Training for Christmas

The holiday season boosts sales of all kinds of products. Do you want to take advantage of them to boost your business results ? We have an ideal Webinar for you!

December is a special month, full of family gatherings, food and toasts with friends. All of this leads to emotions running high and people being more willing to take advantage of discounts and promotions to give gifts to their loved ones.

The Christmas season is just around the corner, and for most companies it is the most important time of the year because in some cases it accounts for 50% of sales in their businesses.

That’s why it’s essential that you take advantage

A of the potential offered by Email Marketing and start planning your Christmas mailings as soon as possible. And for that, we have created this training in which Carolina Di Pietro , Content Manager at Doppler, will guide you from the beginning to the end of your strategy.

Why do you need to do Christmas Email Marketing?
It is well known that people do not buy products but rather the experiences or turkey data  emotions that these generate when they buy them. Consumers do not make purchasing decisions based on rational thinking but on feelings and sensations .

So, what better opportunity to conquer their hearts than on dates when emotions flourish and spread?

Special dates create a buying alert in people that you have to take  seo whole-site optimization: practical experience and in-depth insights advantage of by sending them tempting offers, gifts and special discounts . Imagine how happy your current and potential customers will be if you help them with their Christmas shopping.

It’s not all about selling! A great way to reach your customers’ hearts and win them over forever is to send an Email Campaign greeting them, thanking them for having been with you throughout the year and wishing them a very happy holiday season.

You have an appointment at Doppler Academy!

On Wednesday, November 30, Carolina is waiting for you in this Christmas Email Marketing Webinar to teach you how to take advantage of this special date. Check the training schedule according to your country! We don’t want you to miss it.

Mexico: 9 am
Colombia: 10 am
Argentina: 12 pm
Spain: 4 pm
Didn’t find it? Don’t worry! Check more schedules here .

Don’t wait any longer to join Doppler Academy
One of the best parts of our training is that in addition to learning, you can win incredible prizes such as Promotional Codes to access 1500 free credits in Doppler. Isn’t that sensational?

Simply enter on Twitter using the hashtag #DopplerAcademy . The more you interact, the more chances you have to win!

Additionally, by attending our Webinar, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance that certifies your new knowledge.

Still thinking about it? Sign up for free and learn how to implement your Christmas Email Marketing strategy .


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