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Also Allows You to Group

Google Analytics eCommerce also allows you to group different traffic sources by different criteria and create your own channels for greater convenience.Measuring the percentage of uncompleted ordersIt is quite common for a potential buyer to add a product to the cart but not complete the order. In this case, you lose the customer and profit. To better understand the reason for the refusal and work on it, you first need to know the share of uncompleted orders.

Analytics Allows You to Get

And Google Analytics allows you to get this information. You can also see the bounce rate at each step of the checkout process. This will help you determine at which step you are losing the most visitors and what factors may be affecting this (e.g. site design, loading speed, payment and shipping methods, etc.).Detailed revenue analysis for each productSetting up E commerce Google Analytics provides you with comprehensive information on each product:number of impressions and sales;number of additions to and deletions from the cart;income;average sales volume, etc.

Can Get an Objective Idea

This way, you can get an objective idea of ​​which products or services are in the greatest demand, how quickly they are purchased, whether there are any obstacles or rejections at the ordering stage, etc. Setting up eCommerce in Google mom database AnalyticsWe’ve sorted out the theoretical part, so let’s move on to something more practical and consider how to set up e-commerce in Google Analytics. In fact, there’s nothing complicated here.Step : Go to the Administrator tabLog in to your Analytics account and find the Administrator item at the bottom left.

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It to Proceed to Further

Click on it to proceed to further settings. Step : Select the desired viewA view is a way to view and analyze data in Google Ana should i hire a lytics. You can choose a default setting, or you can customize it to suit your needs. For example, you can choose views to track different subdomains, filter out unwanted traffic, segment your audience, and so on. If you have some experience, you can set it up from scratch. Step : Go to E-Commerce SettingsIn the View column, you will find the E-Commerce Settings item.

It to Go to the

Click on it to go to the crawler data vate the eCommerce featureIn the E-commerce settings, you will see two switches: Data tracking and Reports. The first one allows you to activate or deactivate the E-commerce feature for this view. The second one allows you to choose the type of reporting: standard or advanced. We recommend that you activate both switches and choose advanced reporting to get more data and analysis options. Step : Place the tracking code on your websiteOnce you’ve enabled the e-commerce feature in Analytics, you’ll need to place a unique tracking code on your web resource.

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