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All Business or Team Building

what is a corporate seminar? Above all, it’s fun! This event generally lasts from one to three days and aims to strengthen team cohesion and to involve employees more, in short to develop the entrepreneurial spirit. It is essential that the seminar takes place outside the professional framework (company premises) because it provides employees with an innovative environment that disconnects them from work. There are several forms of seminars.

Among them we can distinguish the training

seminar which will be more focused on the iran phone number data development of the professional skills of employees. While the cohesion and motivation seminar will, for its part, intervene more in team building through sports and fun activities. The observation: 92% of seminar choices are made based on the location of the seminar, compared to 75% for the mode of transport and 68% for participant satisfaction at a previous seminar.

Phone Number Data

60% of intermediaries used for corporate seminars

are travel agencies, 59% are event agencies, 34% are yeezy 350 boost v2s eventservices of hotel groups and 25% are conference organizers. In general, a seminar takes place as follows: Presentation times are often formal and therefore reduced to a minimum. It is interesting to split the day into two parts. The classic example: during the morning, we study the theory and pose problems concerning the functioning of the company.

The afternoon is devoted to practical activities analyze your company profile and objectives aimed at applying the solutions presented in the morning and encouraging Team Building. It is noted that seminars are mostly held in locations close to the company’s premises. Indeed, for French companies, 80% of seminars take place in France compared to 20% abroad. According to the online blog Seminup, the popular foreign destinations in 2017 are France, Spain, Finland, Russia and Canada.

Why then this observation when the budget devoted to events and, therefore, allocated to team building, increases a little more each year? Quite simply because due to lack of time, it is more efficient and less risky to remain on French territory (e.g.: strikes by airplane pilots). The entire Sept Lieues firm is going to Corsica to hike part of the GR20, and thereby strengthen the bonds that unite us even further! Photos to support our return! See you next week!

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