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What are RSS Campaigns and how are they used?

At the same time, what more would you want than to be able to bring your posts to them through a tool as efficient as Email Marketing . You would reach them with your articles in a direct way, at the time you choose and you could measure the results with powerful Reports .

It seems to be a foolproof technique, right? If you want to know more details and all the advantages of implementing an Automation strategy to send your RSS Campaigns , continue reading this post!

Basically, and to not get too bogged down in technicalities, updated 2024 mobile phone number data  RSS Campaigns mean that every time you create and upload a new article to your Blog or News Site, this content is automatically loaded into an Email piece and sent to your Subscriber Lists , according to the dates you have previously established.

The main benefit is that your

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Subscribers will be up to date with all your posts without requiring any effort , neither from them nor from you! Wondering how this is possible?

The way to do it is very simple and tools like Doppler allow you to implement it in just a few steps. If you already use Email Automation to send other types of Campaigns to your contacts, such as greetings for special dates or promotions on a certain day of the week , you already have almost all the keys to do it!

Only in this case, you will also need to know the URL of your RSS so that the automation tool can periodically take information from your Blog.

On the other hand, you will need to insert certain tags into your HTML to configure the exact content you want to be sent to your contacts. You can find more detailed information on how to do this here .

As for the rest, it’s just an Email Automation Campaign like any other . Unbelievable? Yes, but you’re lucky it’s true!

8 benefits you won’t want to miss
If you still have doubts about the advantages of being able to  user experience optimization automatically send your content to your Subscribers through their email boxes, when you read the benefits we tell you about below, you won’t want to waste any more time!

Your posts will arrive directly to your Subscribers’ Inbox . This means that y turkey data  ou don’t have to rely on the reader to search for your posts, they will arrive to them automatically!

You will generate more traffic to your Blog

, improving your SEO performance and the results of your content strategy .
It will be a great loyalty tool . Reaching your Subscribers’ inboxes with quality content that interests them on a regular basis will ensure that they always have you in mind and, when it comes to choosing a brand to buy, guess who will be the best candidate… You!
You’ll have access to comprehensive Reports that will help you discern the best strategies to optimize your results. What types of Subjects perform best? Which articles have received the most clicks? How relevant has your email content been to your Subscribers? Check out this post to better understand Automation metrics .
You’ll be able to design really attractive HTMLs so that your Subscribers don’t hesitate when clicking on your posts and accessing the full content of your articles. Focus on CTAs and simplicity of design!
It will allow you to save effort and resources . You will only have to configure your Campaign once and, from that moment on, you can forget about it! However, remember to check the Reports periodically to improve your results.

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