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How to Connect Your Email Marketing with Social Networks

Connecting social networks to your email marketing, you can get better results than using them separately. Read our tips on how to connect them and how to optimally increase the success of your email marketing strategy.

1. What do social networks have in common with email marketing?

The answer is – a lot . We are increasingly bulk mail masters realizing that both online  complement each other  and together allow us to:

  • accelerate the recognition and reputation of the company and brand.
  • simple segmentation of target groups by gender, residence, age, area of ​​interest, past purchases and other characteristics.

2. Which social networks to choose?

We recommend that you think carefully about who your newsletter recipients are , what is typical for them and segment them by but what’s really key is characteristics that may be relevant to your company. Segmentation not only allows you to create newsletters that are appropriate in form and content, but also answers the question of which social networks are best suitd to individual target groups.

Research has shown that younger recipients prefer Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram , while adults prefer to use Facebook or LinkdIn . It should also be mentioned that B2B email marketing is shard more on LinkdIn , while B2C is more successful on Facebook .

Pinterest is a particularly interesting social network from a marketing point of view, because it is design as a kind of bulletin board on which you can attach photos of various products, services or areas that interest you and thus create a collage that represents you.

Where is  the intersection point?

Every Newsletter you send to your recipients must include links to your company’s social networks . The best way is to insert the social icons in the header of the Newsletter (top left), or at the bottom after the content data on in the perhaps with slightly larger dimensions.

Another possibility, which is often notice by recipients, is to create links on social sites via independent modules within the Newsletter, which contain CTAs  (call to action), such as »Like our Facebook site and receive your discount!« where the link to the Facebook page follows.

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